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A snippet from the booklet:


1. Penitential Rite (Kyrie) The Kyrie was written in order to provide an atmosphere of humility and incorporate stylistically both the English and Latin texts. It can be sung when it is appropriate to use the Penitential Rite.


2. Glory To God The Glory to God follows the text without a repeated refrain. This is consistent with NLC guidelines and also ensures it is meaningful without being too long.


3. Eucharistic Acclamations (Holy Holy) The Holy Holy is a catchy piece of music which gives the congregation a prompt to join in after only one or two repetitions. The music provides a three part melody for the Holy Holy, Memorial Acclamations and Amen to assist the congregation to join in more easily. The music also reflects that each piece is part of the same Eucharistic prayer.


4. Memorial Acclamation (We Proclaim Your Death)


5. Memorial Acclamation (When We Eat This Bread)


6. Memorial Acclamation (Save Us Saviour of the World) One of these three acclamations can be chosen for the Memorial Acclamation.

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